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Automatic Imports ​

Automatic Imports allow for the import process to reach out to external services and retrieve transaction information from them, and load them into your account journals history.


It is best to make a separate automatic import for each account, even if the configuration is almost the same.

Sources ​

Currently supported import sources are:

  • SaltEdge - Global coverage of differnt banks. Requires you to setup a developers account and add your bank accounts manually. More Info
  • Akahu - A New Zealand focused bank integration service. Requires the setup of an account. More Info

Behaviour / Process ​

Automatic importing follows the following sequence:

  • User Preparation
    • User creates necessary accounts with providers.
    • Retrieve and input necessary credentials into auto import.
  • Built In Functionality
    • Reach out to provider and retrieve the latest transactions (using user provided credentials)
      • Note that some providers may provide the transaction date in a different timezone to the server location. During the read process a localDate field is added to the transaction data which accounts for the TZ environment variable of the server to provide corrected dates.
    • Process and filter data based on user configuration (i.e. start date, target account etc..)
    • Create a new import with all the transactions added (applying import mapping configuration).
  • Normal Import Functionality (If Auto Process is true)
    • Identify and mark duplicate transactions.
    • Import all new transactions.
    • Run post-import modifications on new transactions.

Setup Tips ​

  • Create a blank import mapping before creating the automatic import so that it can be used initially.
  • Initially set "Automatic Process" to false to avoid erroneous imports.
  • Once you have configured the automatic import use the "Get Data" button to test that data retrieval works correctly. There will be a button that appears to indicate that data has been retrieve, and display the retrieved data (Similar for errors).
  • Once data retrieval is working correcly, then use the Actions -> Update Sample Data to update the import mapping with imported data. This will then allow for the correct configuration of the import mapping.

Common Configuration ​

The following configuration items are common across all automatic import sources.

Title ​

Title for automatic import.

Import Mapping ​

Functionality that will be used to map the imported data into the trasaction data (i.e. account, date, amount, description etc...). Since this includes the to / from account information it is likely that a separate automatic import and matching import mapping will need to be created for each account that data it to be imported for.

Frequency ​

  • Options: Daily | Weekly | Monthly

Set how frequent the automatic import will be run. Note that the automatic import can also be manually triggered through the web interface.

Processing ​

  • Options : Auto | Manual

Sets whether the import is configured to automatically process after creation. It is a good idea to set this to Manual initially, and do the first import manually to make sure the configuration is correct.

Cleaning ​

  • Options : Auto | Manual

Sets whether the import is configured to automatically clean up after some time. Recommended to be set to Auto.

Lookback Days ​

Sets the number of days in the past that journals should be considered for import. Can be configured after creation, so could be set to a low value initially to minimise data transfer while configuring and testing the import, and then a large value to get all historical transactions, and then reverted to a normal value ( probably 2-3x the import frequency ) for long term operation.

Start Date ​

  • Format : YYYY-MM-DD (i.e. 2024-02-31)

The earliest date that journals will be considered for import from. This overrides the Lookback Days setting.